Friday, December 8, 2017

KOPASSUS - Indonesia's World Feared Elite Forces

Kopassus (short for Komando Pasukan Khusus/Special Forces Command), is a Special Force that carries secret missions and Intelligence operations for the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, such as; Direct action on the ground, Extraordinary War, sabotage, stamp out insurgent acts, Anti-Terrorism Handling, and Intelligence information gathering. Kopassus was formed in 1952. and immediately attracted the world's attention after successfully carrying out hostage liberation operations over the hijacking of Garuda Flight 206 aircraft. It did not take long, these Elite Forces quickly deployed their military campaigns; crushing communists in the late 1950s, military campaigns in West Papua in 1965, confrontation with Malaysia from 1962-1966, massacre of communists in 1965, Invasion of East Timor 1975, and following their military campaign, to crush separatist groups in the territory of Indonesian sovereignty.


KOPASSUS was established on April 16, 1952 and is headquartered in Cijantung, East Jakarta. These troops are rarely deployed in military operations and have not even been deployed in military operations since 1975, due to their high level of specialization. KOPASSUS has its main duties and roles in Anti-Guerrilla, special surveillance operations, unconventional warfare, intelligence, sabotage, Anti-terror. Due to its strength, the number of KOPASSUS personnel has been kept secret until now.

KOPASSUS has group development, precisely into five groups namely:
  • Group 1 / Parakomando
  • Group 2 / Parakomando
  • Group 3 / Education Center of Special Forces
  • Group 4 / Sandhi Yudha
  • Group 5 / Anti Terror
 In the case of armaments, only a few of the weapons of which the information can be known, such as sniper rips (sniper) SPR-2 made by PT. Pindad, and special weapons are produced limited and not sold to other countries. Next to the assault rifle is SS2 V5 made by Pindad, which is a refinement of Belgian SS1. Not only firearms, KOPASSUS soldiers are deliberately trained to fight without firearms (Unarmed Combat), the weapon is a knife and ax usually used to attack the enemy by throwing.

See Also:

History of the establishment of Kopassus

On April 15, 1952, Colonel Alexander Evert Kawilarang laid the foundations for the Unity Territory III / Siliwangi Territorial Command, before being renamed Kopassus. The motive for building the development of Special Forces is, experience when confronting the RMS (Republic of South Maluku) or Republic of the South Moluccas. The conspirator and supported by two companies from KST (Dutch Corps Speciale Tropen). Indonesia is very surprised and difficulty in facing the sniper capability of KST. Which time Indonesia did not have the sniper weapons. Then they plan to build a similar Force for Indonesia. However, at that time, no Indonesian Military commanders had adequate capability or high experience in special operations. Lieutenant Colonel Slamet Riyadi will no longer see his dream to form a Special Forces unit after his death in battle with RMS separatist groups.

Shortly afterwards, Colonel Kawilarang used Military Intelligence and met with Major Raff Bernardus Visser - a former member of Ducth Special Forces, after peace was established at the time of the creation of the newly independent Indonesia State of Indonesia. He settled in West Java, and married Indonesian women, and was known as Mohamad Idjon Djanbi. He was the first in recruitment for the Indonesian Special Forces. After that, the unit later became Kopassus, which was adopted by the Dutch Special Forces's Red Beret (Red Beret) similarity. In short, with the current formation of Kopassus. Many provide security support or back-up for the sovereign territory of the Republic of Indonesia until now. Kopassus operates in secret and undetected, scattered in various parts of the archipelago. They commit a series of acts of murder for the benefit of the State in the case of fighting rebel groups of the State. And perform other missions such as; the handling of Anti-Terrorism and the collection of Intelligence Information, and matters related to Indonesia's security and sovereign territory.

See Also: 
Profile of Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, Candidate of TNI Commander in Lieu of Gatot Nurmantyo.

"The victory of the Forces lies with the Elite Forces, his bravery lies in Command, his skill lies in the preparation of strategy and spirit ... and actions that harm others lies in his repeated battles." Sun Tzu in The Lost Art of War (1996 Indonesian translation) This means that, as good as any troop if continuous must be on the same battlefield, will surely lose.

 According to Sun Tzu II, even if victory is surely redeemed with a very painful loss. The key is that the generals who send soldiers to the battlefield must take into account the physical and mental fatigue that will engulf the troops. Reaching the maximum limit of human endurance, that's what it wants to pursue in commando soldier education. The soldier was forged and built very hard until he felt the pain he had never imagined. Some call it inhuman. But what treatment will be accepted if he caught the enemy will be more humane? Of course if the Soldiers are caught by the enemy and taken captive. He will be tortured harder and interrogated more cruel than ever imagined. Not only trained in the face of the enemy's torture, the Soldiers must also be able to survive long and exhausting battles. If entering Education to enter the Army alone is very difficult with a very cruel and tiring counsel, it is more difficult than going into Police Education.

 Then, of course to become Kopassus, the Soldiers were educated and nurtured in an unpopular manner and up to the maximum limit of the Soldiers' mental and physical resilience. So Kopassus graduates are graduates from selected Soldiers who are not just anyone can enter. Kopassus education is 5 times more rigorous, violent, and cruel than regular Command education. So it is said that one Kopassus soldier is the same as; 5 members of the Regular Army. That is true, because the skills and capabilities of Kopassus Soldiers above the average of the Regular Army. Thus making Kopassus a powerful and powerful Military Elite Force unit in all fields, and can be placed in any time and place for secret missions and assignments.

Let's Rock N Roll
