Thursday, August 3, 2017

Why Indonesia is Not Advanced in Science and Technology?

Indonesia has been left behind in the development of science, technology, and the quality of higher education. Not only at the world level, but also in a smaller sphere such as ASEAN.

Chairil Abidin, a member of the Indonesian Academy of Sciences (AIPI), described the causes of backwardness that break down in It is set out in the White Paper of Science, Technology and Higher Education Towards Indonesia 2045.

Chairil said higher education faces a number of obstacles in conducting research, such as discrepancy in teaching time and research time, budget constraints and research facilities, and incentives that are unattractive to researchers.

Teacher competence also contributes. The average teacher competency test result in 2015 was only 53.02 percent. For prospective teachers, the competency test score is lower, 44 percent competence in the field of competence and 56.69 in the pedagogic field.

"There is no bright high school student who wants to be a teacher," said Chairil at the launch of the white paper in Jakarta on Friday (12 / 5/2017).

Language factors apparently also can not be underestimated. Quoting Richard Horton's research, the language factor is a major obstacle to Indonesia's voice in research at the global level, particularly health and medicine. Prior to Indonesia's independence, there was an obligation to read literary books as many as 25 titles in Algemene Middelbare School (Secondary Education) Dutch East Indies A and 15 titles on AMS Indies B, 15 titles.

However, since the 1950s, gradually the obligation was lost. "Taufik Ismail is now a zero high school student, the students are also zero books only dictators, learned from the dictates written 20 years ago," said Chairil.

Chairl recalled his experience while attending a meeting between a prominent businessman and university in Vice President BJ Habibie's office in 1998. After the meeting, one of the lecturers revealed that the textbook he used was no longer relevant.

"Nutritional factors also play a role: There is a 37 percent short-body prevalence with an average IQ of 89. So no wonder our PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) scores are low," Chairil said.

According Chairil, Indoneisa has entered a crisis in the development of science and technology. To that end, representing AIPI, he asked the government to fix the quality of science and technology. One of them with the increase of economic growth. The increase in economic growth is expected to increase people's purchasing power on domestic industrial output.

Universities can work with industry players to boost the domestic industry. In addition, the most important thing is that the environment is conducive to national innovation.
