Thursday, August 3, 2017

Why Indonesia is Not Advanced in Science and Technology?

Indonesia has been left behind in the development of science, technology, and the quality of higher education. Not only at the world level, but also in a smaller sphere such as ASEAN.

Chairil Abidin, a member of the Indonesian Academy of Sciences (AIPI), described the causes of backwardness that break down in It is set out in the White Paper of Science, Technology and Higher Education Towards Indonesia 2045.

Chairil said higher education faces a number of obstacles in conducting research, such as discrepancy in teaching time and research time, budget constraints and research facilities, and incentives that are unattractive to researchers.

Teacher competence also contributes. The average teacher competency test result in 2015 was only 53.02 percent. For prospective teachers, the competency test score is lower, 44 percent competence in the field of competence and 56.69 in the pedagogic field.

"There is no bright high school student who wants to be a teacher," said Chairil at the launch of the white paper in Jakarta on Friday (12 / 5/2017).

Language factors apparently also can not be underestimated. Quoting Richard Horton's research, the language factor is a major obstacle to Indonesia's voice in research at the global level, particularly health and medicine. Prior to Indonesia's independence, there was an obligation to read literary books as many as 25 titles in Algemene Middelbare School (Secondary Education) Dutch East Indies A and 15 titles on AMS Indies B, 15 titles.

However, since the 1950s, gradually the obligation was lost. "Taufik Ismail is now a zero high school student, the students are also zero books only dictators, learned from the dictates written 20 years ago," said Chairil.

Chairl recalled his experience while attending a meeting between a prominent businessman and university in Vice President BJ Habibie's office in 1998. After the meeting, one of the lecturers revealed that the textbook he used was no longer relevant.

"Nutritional factors also play a role: There is a 37 percent short-body prevalence with an average IQ of 89. So no wonder our PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) scores are low," Chairil said.

According Chairil, Indoneisa has entered a crisis in the development of science and technology. To that end, representing AIPI, he asked the government to fix the quality of science and technology. One of them with the increase of economic growth. The increase in economic growth is expected to increase people's purchasing power on domestic industrial output.

Universities can work with industry players to boost the domestic industry. In addition, the most important thing is that the environment is conducive to national innovation.
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7 Benefits of Health Gained from Sex

Sex does not only work to get offspring and recreation, but it has many health benefits as a side effect. Here are 7 benefits to make love for health that you should know.

1. Make the breath more loose

Sex is one of the natural antihistamines, which can help us breathe more freely as well as can dispel asthma symptoms.

2. Make you look younger

A good sex life is a youthful key. A study of 3,500 people aged 18 to 102 by Royal Edinburgh Hospital in Scotland found that sex can reduce stress, give pleasure, and sleep more soundly. All of these things make us look younger and healthier.

3. Helps the body fight disease

Making love once or twice a week will increase the production of 30 percent more immunoglobulin A, so our immune system increases. Researchers also found that people who have an active sex life will have a lower risk of cancer, heart attacks, and stroke. In addition, sex is also a cure for fever and flu.

4. Burn calories

Like sports, sex also makes the body burn fat and calories, which is about 96 calories for 20 minutes of sex. And as we know, burning calories through exercise is good for our bodies.

5. Reduce the pain

Have you ever forgotten your pain during sex? It may very well happen because sexual stimulation makes us more resistant to pain as well as having the effect of relieving the pain. Research suggests that sex stimulation can relieve muscle aches, migraines, and other pain.

6. Long life

A British study conducted to study the relationship between death and frequency of sex. The results found that the risk of death in men who have sex twice or more a week is 50 percent lower than those who only have sex once a month. This study also mentions that more and more sex will be better for health.

7. Make someone feel better

Sexual activity also produces a sense of joy. A US study involving 1,800 people found an increase in oxytocin and endorphins when a person has an orgasm. It makes people feel comfortable and happy.
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Here Astra Insurance strategy to attract customers

Lack of market conditions on motor vehicle sales may also drag the premium income of automotive insurance products this year.

Although this is a challenge, one of the insurance players, PT Asuransi Astra Buana (Asuransi Astra) remains optimistic to get a sleek performance this year. Astra Insurance CEO Rudy Chen said it is continuing to develop the digitalization business that has been started since last year. Understandably, the rapid development of technology is the reason for the company to follow this trend.

"Digital business is quite potential, let alone the people today are doing everything with technology," Rudy said in the Sharing CEO event, Monday (31/7).

Gunawan Salim, Chief Marketing Officer of Astra Insurance, said it has a special strategy to attract more customers. One of them is by maintaining good relations with all relations. Furthermore, according to Gunawan this is a very effective way executed so as to increase the premium coffers of the company.

"Both with a dealer, leasing company and so on we have to be friends and build good relationships. Useless there is a new product promo for example or offer a certain product bundling but if the relationship is not good useless, "he said.

For that, Gunawan assess this effective strategy run by Astra Insurance. However, regarding this year's target has not been exposed in detail.
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Understanding Indonesian Insurance

Definition of insurance

In general, the definition or definition of insurance is a way to move risk by paying a sum of money or premiums to the insurance company.

Insurance is different from social activities and generally the amount of premium (risk transfer costs) is much smaller than the amount of compensation / compensation to be provided by the insurance company. In running its business, the insurance company does follow the principle of the law of large number (law of large numbers). This means that insurance companies can operate because they collect similar risks. The greater the amount of similar risks taken over, the transfer fee will be cheaper.

Basic Principles of Insurance

In addition there are some other basic principles of insurance, namely:

   Insurable interest means that a person can insure because he has a legal right to the object to be insured. The person pays the premium, because it has an interest in the event of a loss.
   Utmost good faith requires the disclosure of material facts to objects that will be insured either by the Insurer or the Insured. There must be a principle of confidence from both parties before, during, and in the event of a claim.
   Proxima Causa means the insurance will only give compensation / compensation, if the cause of the loss is guaranteed by the insurance.
   Indemnitas means insurance will provide compensation for losses suffered. The principle of indemnity is not applied specifically to life-related insurance. There are several explanations for this indemnity principle:
   The contribution of the insurance program can be guaranteed by some insurers and when there is a loss, then that guarantee will pay compensation proportionally.
   Subrogation of the obligations of the insurance company to pay compensation, making the insurance company also entitled to sue the other party causing the loss.

Term Insurance

To understand more about insurance, there are some terms that must be known, namely:

Insurers are insurance companies that have insurance products

Insured is the name for the buyer or user insurance
Policy is a document that contains insurance contracts where in the policy there is some information on how much premium, claims, coverage period agreed between the insurer and the insured on the stamp duty. In micro insurance the policy is called a voucher / certificate
Premium is the amount of fees or dues that must be paid by insurance buyers or insurance users. In micro insurance contributions
Claim is the amount of compensation / loss or compensation as a result of the risk guaranteed by the insurance company. In micro insurance compensation

The period of coverage is an agreed period of time over the life of the insurance

Terms and conditions in insurance are the various provisions that must be obeyed by both parties (both the insured and the insurer) during the period of valid insurance
The claim / compensation document consists of several documents which must be submitted at the time of claim filed for a change of compensation / loss or compensation
The competent authorities shall be parties to the legalization of a directive
This type of insurance is the kind of coverage that is sold in the community
Type of Insurance
The type of insurance that we generally get in practice is divided into 2

Life Insurance is an insurance concerning the human soul which can generally be in the form of: Personal accident insurance, health insurance, life insurance (terms assurance, Endowment Assurance, Whole life assurance) and funeral insurance
General or Non-life Insurance, generally in the form of insurance amount of money to compensate the losses suffered by the Insured Personself (personal accident and health insurance) and funeral insurance in case of accidental death) and insurance related to property and business such as fire insurance , Vehicles, shipping, aviation, transportation, development, money, agriculture, livestock and fishing
In addition to the two groups of insurance, it can also be distinguished about the system used by insurance companies both the soul and the public, that is with conventional system or pattern or sharia pattern, where the sharia system insurance companies become a fund management and after the period will be the pattern of profit sharing In accordance with the agreement (akad) used.

Insurance programs for various activities eg:

  1. Plant construction insurance is known as the insurance contractor All risks Insurance
  2. Insurance installation of the machine in the factory known as the insurance Erection All Risks insurance
  3. Insurance for computers and other electronic devices known as "Electrical Equipment Insurance"
  4. Insurance for engine damage known insurance "Machinery breakdown"
  5. Insurance for the risk of demolition (not loss) because there must be a violent unsus called insurance "Burglary"
  6. Cargo insurance is called "Cargo insurance", land, sea and air transport
  7. Insurance related to cash in safe, cash in cashier box and cash in transit insurance,
  8. Special insurance for buildings in the market or building market itself, in Indonesia known special risk consortium insurance (KARK)
  9. Heavy equipment insurance and heavy equipment or heavy equipment are called Contractor Plant and Machinery insurance.
  10. Insurance for ships and aircraft is called Hull insurance and Aviation insurance.
  11. Other conventional insurance can be made specifically according to the interests of the insured (tailor made).
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