Thursday, August 3, 2017

Here Astra Insurance strategy to attract customers

Lack of market conditions on motor vehicle sales may also drag the premium income of automotive insurance products this year.

Although this is a challenge, one of the insurance players, PT Asuransi Astra Buana (Asuransi Astra) remains optimistic to get a sleek performance this year. Astra Insurance CEO Rudy Chen said it is continuing to develop the digitalization business that has been started since last year. Understandably, the rapid development of technology is the reason for the company to follow this trend.

"Digital business is quite potential, let alone the people today are doing everything with technology," Rudy said in the Sharing CEO event, Monday (31/7).

Gunawan Salim, Chief Marketing Officer of Astra Insurance, said it has a special strategy to attract more customers. One of them is by maintaining good relations with all relations. Furthermore, according to Gunawan this is a very effective way executed so as to increase the premium coffers of the company.

"Both with a dealer, leasing company and so on we have to be friends and build good relationships. Useless there is a new product promo for example or offer a certain product bundling but if the relationship is not good useless, "he said.

For that, Gunawan assess this effective strategy run by Astra Insurance. However, regarding this year's target has not been exposed in detail.
