Thursday, July 20, 2017

Prudential Unitlink Insurance

Prudential Unitlink Insurance

One of unitlink education insurance product that I take from Prudential is Prulink Edu Protection. Prulink Edu Protection is a Life Insurance product package associated with investment (unitlink) from PT Prudential Life Assurance (Prudential Indonesia). The premium you pay provides protection (protection) benefits and investment benefits in the form of cash value.

Prudential Unitlink Insurance
Prudential Unitlink Insurance


Prulink Edu Protection's product package will provide protection benefits for parents and children altogether in a comprehensive policy, monthly money benefit until your child is 18 or 25 years old and can provide potential benefits from existing investment returns. The investment yield is called potential because there is a chance of rising or falling, and the yield of this investment is not guaranteed.

The main benefits of Prulink Edu Protection are:

  1. Prulink Assurance Account (PAA) or the death benefit, ie the benefit of sum assured obtained if the main insured (the child) dies or suffers total permanent disability during the insurance coverage period.
  2. Pru Saver, which is an investment benefit whose outcome has potential benefits, can increase, can also be reduced.
  3. Pru Parent Payor 33, ie the benefits of premium exemption and periodic premium payment will be continued by Prudential's company until the end of the coverage period, if the parent of the principal insured (father and / or mother) suffers from one of 33 critical conditions Critical condition on the policy), or suffered total permanent disability or death.
  4. Pru Edu Protection, which is a monthly financing benefit that will be awarded to the principal insured up to the primary insured age of 18 years or 25 years (in accordance with the agreement in the policy), if the parent of the principal insured (father and / or mother) suffers one of 33 Critical condition (meet criteria table coverage of critical condition on the policy), or experiencing permanent defect or death.

To compensate for the increase in annual inflation, monthly benefits will increase every 3 years at 15% of the monthly benefit at the beginning of this additional insurance period, where payments will be provided if the Insured Income risks as previously mentioned.

While the additional benefits of Prulink Edu Protection coverage to choose from are:
  1. Prulink Term, an additional coverage that benefits the main insured if the parent (the additional insured) dies before the expiry of the term prulink term
  2. Prada Personal Accident Death and Disablement Plus (PADD plus), an additional coverage that benefits the sum insured if the main insured (the child) dies by accident, undergoes emergency treatment (accident only), suffers burns, complex fractures and Permanent disability.

ProGraduate dual-bummedual education insurance, in addition to providing a guarantee of protection against risks that may occur, this insurance also provides cash certainty given on schedule at the age of 18 years to 23 years. Because of the certainty of savings or education funding, this insurance is classified as dual-purpose insurance.

Education insurance Prulink Edu Protection is one unitlink insurance that contain elements of protection and investment elements. In terms of insurance coverage, unitlink is the same as any other insurance, even the advantage is that we can flexibly choose the protection we want.

But the investment or cash value that will be used as a child's education fund is not guaranteed or it may not be available when needed because the result is not good. Therefore, unitlink education insurance usually is more used to protect the education fund that has been prepared rather than to prepare the education fund itself.
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Manulife Endowment Insurance

Manulife Endowment Insurance
Manulife Endowment Insurance

One of Manulife's dual-purpose insurance products is ProGraduate (PG). ProGraduate is an insurance program devoted to assisting parents in preparing education funding for the baby since entering college until your child is 23 years old. Benefits of cash payment as a total education fund of 250% of the sum insured, and the flexible payment period in accordance with the needs of your child's education and your financial condition of 5 years, 10 years and 15 years.
See Also: Case study of Manulife insurance and Prudential insurance.
The main benefits of the ProGraduate dual-benefit insurance are:
  1. Benefit of Cash Payments, which is the benefit of education fund provided as a cash payment benefit of 250% (two hundred and fifty percent) of the sum insured, which is granted according to their respective schedule at the age of 18-23 years.
  1. The Benefits of Death
  • Benefits obtained if the insured dies in the coverage period, which is 150% of the sum insured or Rp300.000.000 or exemption of further premium payments.
  • Additional benefits if the insured dies from accidents as follows:
  • An additional 50% of Sum Insured shall be granted to the Designated Person if the sum insured is <Rp200.000.000; or
  • An additional Rp100,000,000 granted to the Designated Party if sum insured ≥ Rp200,000,000.


While the additional benefits of ProGraduate coverage that can be selected are:

  1. Accidental Death and Disability Benefit (ADDB), an additional coverage that provides the death benefit and the total fixed or partial disability benefit of the insured caused by the accident.
  2. Waiver of Premium (WP), an additional coverage that provides premium waiver benefits until the insured reaches the age of 60 years or until the end of the period of insurance payment, whichever occurs earlier, in the case of permanent total disability of the insured caused by illness or accident.
  3. Hospital Benefit Plus (HB Plus), an additional coverage that provides reimbursement benefits for hospital treatment for the treatment of the insured due to illness or accident.
  4. Health Safe, an additional coverage that provides reimbursement benefits for the treatment of the insured due to illness or accident, which is equipped with cashless facility to facilitate the process of hospitalization without the need to make cash payments.

Premiums paid by customers include administrative costs, insurance fees, bank commissions and marketing costs (if any).
See Also: How To Quick Closing Prospect Insurance
ProGraduate bilateral education insurance in addition to providing protection against the risks that can occur, this insurance also provides cash certainty given on schedule at the age of 18 years to 23 years. Because of the certainty of savings or education funding, this insurance is classified as dual-purpose insurance.
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Case study of Manulife insurance and Prudential insurance.

Case study of Manulife insurance and Prudential insurance.
Case study of Manulife insurance and Prudential insurance.

The number of unitlink education insurance products offered in the community. This makes the public perception of educational insurance the same as unitlink insurance. Whereas Actually there are 2 types of educational insurance that can be taken by the public, namely dual education insurance and insurance unitlink education. Therefore, on this occasion, we will conduct case studies between standard education insurance and unitlink education insurance properly.

Type of Education Insurance: Endowment and Unitlink

There are two types of educational insurance, the first educational insurance is the endowment education insurance (endowment). Dual-life insurance is one of the traditional types of life insurance, meaning that it already exists before unit-link life insurance.

Dual life insurance insurance is a life insurance that provides protection or protection and there are savings in it. Life insurance that is contained in dual-purpose education insurance will provide protection in the form of sum insured if the insured (usually breadwinner) to death or total permanent disability in the insurance coverage period. Then the benefits of savings contained in this dual-purpose education insurance is like a time deposit that has a fixed value and is guaranteed at the time of disbursement. So the amount of money to be disbursed in a certain period of time is definitely in accordance with the written contract.
See Also: Vehicle Insurance Benefits
The second educational insurance is unitlink education insurance. Unitlink education insurance is included non-traditional insurance. Unitlink insurance insurance is a life insurance that there is an element of investment in it. Life insurance that is contained in unitlink education insurance has the same benefits as dual education insurance that is to provide protection. But the element of investment that exist in unitlink education insurance is different from the existing savings in dual-purpose education insurance.
See Also:  How To Apply Vehicle Insurance Claims
Investments in unit-linked investment insurance are not guaranteed, can be larger, may be smaller. So, if the results are not well developed, then the investment money may not be in accordance with the educational plan we want. And there are costs that may be able to reduce the existing investment in unitlink education insurance.

Those are two types of educational insurance that exist in general. We will discuss further the two types of education insurance by using an example. The existing dual-bummedee insurance will use product samples from Manulife Insurance companies and unitlink insurance insurance will use sample products from Prudential Insurance companies.

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Vehicle Insurance Benefits

Vehicle Insurance Benefits
Vehicle Insurance Benefits

There are several benefits that can be obtained if using vehicle insurance, namely:
  1. Providing protection for vehicles against uncertain or unexpected events such as loss due to theft, accidental damage or natural disasters, and so on.
  2. Assisting financial planning or management due to costs incurred for vehicle damage.
  3. Provides a sense of security for vehicle owners.
  4. Obtain additional services such as a 24-hour customer service telephone facility, tow truck facility, replacement car service when the vehicle is in repair process at the workshop, and others
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How To Apply Vehicle Insurance Claims

vehicle insurance
vehicle insurance

Terms that must be fulfilled to apply for vehicle insurance claim are as follows:

  1. Photocopy of vehicle insurance policy
  2. Photocopy of Driver's Letter of Intent (SIM) of the vehicle owner
  3. Photocopy of Identity Card (KTP) of the vehicle owner
  4. Copy of premium payment letter
  5. Certificate of loss of vehicle from the police for risk of loss

To keep in mind, claims submission must not exceed the maximum deadline of claims, so that insurance claims can be accepted and obtain insurance from insurance companies.
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Type of Vehicle Insurance by Type of Protection

car Insurance
Car Insurance

Today, the development of science and knowledge along with the increasingly diverse human needs. One is the need for insurance. Many people no longer make insurance as a tertiary requirement, but make insurance a secondary and even primary requirement for people who live above average. Where they have many assets such as property or vehicles it deems necessary to obtain protection through insurance. In order for unexpected events to occur such as theft or damage, they will not suffer any significant harm.

Speaking of insurance for assets, vehicle insurance is mushrooming among the public. In addition to the increasing public welfare, also because now the vehicle becomes a necessity and even a lifestyle. So the desire to protect or provide security guarantees through insurance for the vehicle is very necessary. So this time we will discuss about the type of vehicle insurance.

Understanding Vehicle Insurance

Before entering on the type of vehicle insurance, we should first understand what is insurance and vehicle insurance.

Insurance is an agreement between two or more parties in which the insurer binds itself to the insured by accepting the insurance premium to provide reimbursement to the insured due to loss, damage or loss of expected profit or third party legal liability that may be subject to the insured arising from an event Which is uncertain. Understanding is based on the Act no. 2 of 1992 concerning Insurance Business.

More simply, insurance is a term that refers to an action, system or business or financial protection for the soul, health, property or assets, etc. of uncertain or unexpected events. Parties that provide insurance coverage or insurers are referred to as insurance companies. While the insured is the owner of the insured asset.

Then the vehicle insurance is a special type of insurance for the vehicle. Things to consider in choosing a vehicle insurance company is the financial strength of insurance companies, services provided, as well as expenses incurred to obtain protection called a premium.
Type of Vehicle Insurance

There are 2 types of insurance for vehicles seen from the type of vehicle, namely motor insurance and car insurance. And based on the type of protection, vehicle insurance is divided into 3 types, namely as follows:

1. All Risk or Comprehensive Insurance

All risk insurance is a type of vehicle insurance that provides protection and reimbursement of fees or guarantees all types of risks, both light and heavy, and the risk of loss of vehicles. So the insurance company will replace or bear all costs associated with any risks that occur in the vehicle. Even slight damage to the vehicle, the vehicle owner can file a claim and the insurance company will bear all the repair costs of the vehicle.

Because the sum insured covers all types of risks, the premium value to be paid for this type of all risk insurance is quite expensive. Insurance coverage of this type can be expanded, such as risk due to riot, or the addition of vehicle accessories. Expansion of coverage is of course through the addition of premium costs.

This type of all risk insurance is perfect and appropriate for the vehicles used everyday. Because the current traffic conditions more crowded road even not infrequently causing traffic jams in big cities. So the great potential or possibility of damage to the vehicle body such as nudged, terserempet or hit by another vehicle.
This type of insurance is widely used in the type of passenger car vehicle. In accordance with Indonesian Standard Vehicle Insurance Policy (PSAKBI), the maximum age of all risk insurance coverage is 8 years.

2. Total Loss Only Insurance (TLO)

TLO Insurance is a type of vehicle insurance that provides a guarantee or cover charge only if the vehicle is lost due to theft and damage to vehicles with the same repair value or more than 75% of the price of the vehicle at that time. If the estimated value of repairs for damage to the car is less than 75% of the price of the vehicle, then the claim filing will inevitably be rejected by the insurance company.

Because of the type of coverage that is not comprehensive, then the value of insurance premiums TLO cheaper than other types of insurance. And based on Indonesian Standard Vehicle Insurance Policy (PSAKBI), maximum age of insurance coverage of TLO is 15 years.

3. Combined Insurance

This type of insurance is a combination of all risk insurance and TLO. That is, all minor damage to severe or severe and loss of vehicles can be borne by the insurance company. Technical on this type of insurance depends on the insurance coverage provided by the insurance company such as: In the first year, the coverage is a type of all risk. Then in the second year, using TLO. Or another example of the following conditions. A vehicle is insured using this type of all risk insurance in the first 2 or 3 years when the vehicle is still in new condition. Then in the following years switch to the type of TLO considering the age of vehicles that are no longer young. So this type of insurance can adjust depending on vehicle conditions and financial condition of vehicle owners.
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How To Quick Closing Prospect Insurance


How To Quick Closing Prospect Insurance - Taking care of my post at the beginning of the secrets of Insurance Agent Success, may be sebahagian of you after reading the post still feel confused & wonder. How do I let the closing be more light ?, but you have implemented all the guidelines of the post at the beginning, is to change your display style together. Actually the key to the success of one person insurance agent is not just depending on the look good looking. In this case the prospect or process of negotiation with the prospective customer as well as plays a very important role in the Quick Closing Prospect of Insurance.

Becoming to be a successful insurance agent is not easy, but not difficult to know how. There are various books that teach the ways of insurance sales who can make the sales process so much easier. Instead of you tired-tired you buy, better we first see the following tips:

1.) You should be aware that there is a count or formula in the sale of insurance, for example after prospecting 10 people can be closing 1. If you know & be aware of the process you can be more spirit & consistent prospecting with unyielding spirit (heheh ...). Most of the time if the property agent 100 prospecting will only 1 closing, be still more lightly become an insurance agent right?

2.) Keep your spirit & knowledge, you can follow motivational seminars created by the insurance company of your work space or seminars from national speakers, such as Tung Desem Waringin, James Gwee & whoever it is. Any enthusiasm when continuously rejected, of course can be bored & bored and. That's why you and you should learn the trick of selling good & true of the best in your sector. Capable of your leader-leader, or the best agents in your company. Then the probability of success can be even greater.

3.) Ask for referrals from your clients, & ask your clients for help to tell their colleagues when insurance is absolute. Ask your clients to tell you the credibility of your company. The majority of people can be more confident to their friends than to strangers who suddenly come to offer insurance to him.

4.) Your initial time of attendance should not at all offer insurance. Try to be your colleague & educate the interaction with your prospect. As I said before, the majority of people will be more open & more fond of saying to their friends than against the insurance agent who suddenly came to offer insurance.

5.) Quick Closing Prospects for Other Insurance Insurance agents are not small in Indonesia. Being you must always concentrate in adding value so that you are judged not the same from others. You can run by creating a site that gives you all the ins and outs of your insurance, so if your customers need immediate info about trick claims & others, they can simultaneously access directly to your personal web. You can also carry on with both come & offer services doubel agent, so if later customers need your help immediately & you are indeed busy, your customers can contact the other agent. With the system you are able to guarantee services for your customers. So Quick Closing Prospect of Insurance.
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Sunday, July 16, 2017

Adverse Impact Often Eating Instant Noodles for Women

Indonesia Hotel
Instant Noodles

Jakarta The cheap price and short cooking time are the reasons people love instant noodles. As long as it has plenty of instant noodle supply at home, hunger that strikes at midnight can be quickly overcome.

People's love of instant noodles can also be seen from the habits of those who are willing to prepare empty spaces in the suitcase each will travel long distances. Yes, although it has been repeatedly told that eating instant noodles is not good for health, still the habit is maintained.

Utkan that by adding vegetables to instant noodles can increase the nutritional value, so that the original "unhealthy" changed to "healthy".

Dr Resthie Rachmanta Putri M.Epid from Click Doctors website again reminded the impact of consuming instant noodles too often. In addition to risk of obesity, can also increase the risk of hypertension.

See Also: The Most Effective Way to Get Pregnant.

He says that instant noodle seasoning is high in sodium content. Sodium, Resthie explained, is a substance that causes blood pressure to rise.

"So, if you eat instant noodles too often, the risk of hypertension is also higher," said Resthie quoted on Thursday, July 13, 2017.

Hypertension or high blood pressure classified as metabolic syndrome. And, this metabolic syndrome is most susceptible to women who have difficulty controlling their appetite for not eating too many instant noodles.

In a study published in the Journal of Nutrition mentioned, women who eat lots of instant noodles have a big risk of experiencing metabolic syndrome. That possibility is 68 percent when compared with fewer women in the consumption of instant noodles in everyday life, regardless of eating habits or exercise as a whole.

The possibility to experience heart disease, diabetes, and stroke was quite large.

Quoted from the Life Hack site, this can happen because the cooking process is often fried and flooded with oil. Keep in mind, in the instant noodle seasoning there is already oil.

However, continued Dr. Resthie, if you really want to eat instant noodles, make sure no more than one serving in a week.
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How To Sleep Fast In One Minute

Indonesia Hotel

Sydney- Wanting, after lying down on the bed, eyes closed. But there are times, it has been 10 minutes, 20 minutes, even an hour to sleep failed. Instead of mind lessons drifting to unfinished tasks, boss messages, household chores still piling up.

Stress, can make you difficult to sleep. Mental conditions like this affect the physical conditions such as heart pounding, blood pressure rises, tense muscles that make the body difficult to fall asleep.

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However, with simple breathing techniques can reduce the stress response and bring us to the realm of dreams.

"Breathing greatly promotes physiology and the process of thinking, including mood, by simply focusing attention on breathing without changing anything, you have moved towards relaxation," explained Harvard graduate doctor Andrew Weil.
Weil gives this way of breathing, breathing for four seconds, holding a breath for seven seconds and then exhaling for eight counts.

"Practicing this breath every day before bed can help you sleep soundly," explained Weil as reported by The Sydney Morning Herald, Sunday (31/05/2015).
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