Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Zone of Danger of Mount Agung of ITB Researcher

Seeing the high activity of Gunung Agung in Bali recently, the lecturer of the Bandung Institute of Technology immediately held a remote sensing study to predict the potential danger zone that can be generated. How to study the sensing in question?

Not more than a week since the start of research on Friday, September 22, 2017, the results of research lecturers ITB has been successfully released and can be a solution for people around Mount Agung.

Mount Agung Bali
Mount Agung Bali

Those involved are Prof. Ketut Wikantika, Dr. Eng. Asep Saepuloh, and Tri Muji Susantoro, Drs., MT. Everything from Center for Remote Sensing (CRS-ITB)

Based on research, 51 years ago Mount Agung had erupted with a very powerful force. History records, not less than 1,700 people died as a result of the incident.

It is this past experience that makes the fear of Mount Agung very high. Moreover, its activity has increased rapidly since the last few weeks.

See Also:  
Based on this fact, Prof. Ketut along with his doctoral student, Tri Muji Susantoro, and assisted by Dr. Asep Saepuloh, conducted a study on the potential dangers that can be caused by Mount Agung.

They use remote sensing techniques that become their daily focus field. There are four potentials that they analyze, namely the direction of the lava flow, volcanic bombs, hot clouds, and cold lava that fell due to heavy rain after the eruption occurred.

The potential of Mount Agung's hot lava flow analysis is based on two things, namely the Watershed (DAS) that develops from the top and analyzes the sheer thickness of the crater condition.

Meanwhile, the potential of volcanic bombs was analyzed by establishing a hazard zone based on a reference distance from the peak of the eruption in 1963. The analysis of the potential of hot clouds and cold lava was also carried out by utilizing the watershed and the thickness of the crater condition, but with a wider area of ​​analysis.

The data they use for the research itself comes from the Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) and Landsat 8. Specifically on Landsat 8 data, the processing is done by radiometric correction which includes radiometric calibration and atmospheric correction. The radiometric calibration itself is done by changing the digital value in Top of Atmosphere, while the atmospheric correction is done by the FLAASH method.

The result, Ketut and Tri Muji successfully predicted that the direction of the hot lava flow of Mount Agung will still tend to move northwards.

"The direction of hot lava flow will tend to the north because it turns out the crater wall in the north is thinner and lower than the crater wall in the east, south, or west," Ketut said in a press release received

"If the flow of hot lava to the west, the chances are still small because there is a ridge," added the chairman of CRS-ITB this.

This remote sensing study also shows the potential for movement of hot lava flows to a distance of 7.5 km north of Mount Agung. Therefore, Ketut suggested that all residents who remain in the zone remain vigilant and always pay attention to directives from the local BPNB.
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KAPA Multiguna: Substituted Alternative KAPA K-61 Indonesian Marine Corps military technology

Given that the KAPA (Marine Amphibious Fleet Carrier) operated by the Marine Corps is elderly, ie K-61 and PTS-10, the KAPA Battalion of the Marine Cavalry Regiment requires the modernization of KAPA types, it is clear that KAPA's role is vital, as well as necessary to support amphibious landing operations, KAPA proved to have a big hand in emergency response operations of natural disaster, to support SAR mission.

Indonesia Military Technology
KAPA (Marine Amphibious Fleet Carrier)

Although there has been no new KAPA procurement contract for Marines, at least there are now two types offered for the Purple Beret Corps. The first is KAPA RD MK1, KAPA type is officially still a mockup that has been displayed in the Indo Defense figure 2016. As the party that offers a solution is a national private company, PT Republic Defensino who released the mockup design Amphibious Tracked Carrier KAPA RD MK1. Although still in the mockup, the manufacturer has released that the ransus (special vehicle) will have a total weight of 25 tons. RD MK1 is planned to be powered by Iveco L6 diesel engine with six cylinders. The engine power of RD MK1 is mentioned reaching 590HP.

Details about KAPA RD MK1 we have peeled in the previous article, whose title link you can click on the top of this paragraph. While the second type offered for the Marine Corps is KAPA Mutliguna from Balitbang Kemhan in cooperation with the national private company PT Wirajayadi Bahari. In contrast to RD MK1, KAPA Multiguna is already in the form of prototype and further has been successfully tested in Waters of Tuban, East Java.

See Also: 

According Bintoro, chairman of PT Wirajayadi Bahari met, KAPA Mutliguna is painted in chocolate loreng is indeed built as a modernization of K-61. "But note, our KAPA does not use the chassis of the K-61, everything is new, from wheel chains to machines," said Bintoro.

When considered carefully, there are some similarities between this KAPA made in Surabaya with K-61, such as the position of two propeller blades and the positioning of the engine position in the middle. But KAPA Multiguna is designed more contemporary, as evidenced by increased protection on the driver's compartment and navigator. Also on the front is equipped with a breaker whose height can be adjusted. As for wheel chains, pinching Chinese / Russian tank models, or similar to those used by BTR-50 and PT-76, means larger than K-61 chain wheels.

KAPA Multipurpose kitchen supported Cummins ISZ 525-40 engine with 2,100 RPM plus 525HP / 368KW power. This KAPA can go on land with a maximum speed of 50 km per hour, and in water using two propellers measuring 540 mm, the maximum speed reaches 12 km per hour. With a full load of 17.5 tons, KAPA Multiguna is designed to carry a 105 mm caliber Howitzer.


KAPA Multipurpose Specifications:

  • Length: 9.2 meters
  • Width: 3.23 meters
  • Height: 2.6 meters
  • Groud Clearance: 480 mm
  • Gearbox: Reintjes (China)
  • Suspension: Torque rod
  • Engine: Cummins ISZ 525-40
  • Power: 525HP / 386KW
  • Max Torque: 2508 NM
  • Max speed on land: 50 km per hour
  • Maximum speed in water: 12 km per hour
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Monday, November 27, 2017

Indonesia and Spain Strengthen Military Technology Procurement Cooperation

The Government of Indonesia and Spain plan to continue cooperation in the field of procurement of defense system main tool (defense equipment).

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Wiranto said, alutsista cooperation with Spain has been established long ago. Now both countries plan to re-strengthen the cooperation, especially in the field of aircraft manufacture.

Operator Sat Bravo 90 Indonesian Special Forces
Operator Sat Bravo 90 Indonesian Special Forces

"Since the first aircraft, Gatot Kaca plane, CN 212 to 235, and yesterday flew 295 aircraft. So, I think this is a sustainable cooperation," said Wiranto after receiving the honorary visit of Deputy Foreign Minister of Spain Idelfonso Castro in Jakarta.

Meanwhile, Idelfonso Castro confirmed, it wants to strengthen the cooperation relationship between the two countries, both in the procurement of armaments or other cooperation.

"We expect the relationship between the two countries to be strengthened. Spain wants the cooperation of procurement of armaments goes well again. In fact, not only aircraft, as well as ships, it can be done well. Especially Spain and Indonesia have been doing this cooperation for a long time, "said Castro.

Wiranto asserted, the two countries will also strengthen cooperation in the field of handling terrorism. "I think Indonesia also has experience working with many countries. Included in the handling of terrorism, "said Wiranto.

The Indonesian Government meeting with the Spanish Government has actually happened several times. Previously, the Spanish Ambassador to Indonesia Jose Maria Matres Manso also had a meeting with Wiranto on June 21, 2017.

At that time he offered to cooperate with the National Agency for Combating Terrorism (BNPT) in combating acts of terrorism. Wiranto said Indonesia does not limit itself to cooperating with any country that has experience of acts of terrorism.

That is done so that BNPT performance can be helped. According to him, the Spanish experience to approach hard or smooth in dealing with acts of terrorism is considered to be imitated BNPT. "So, how BNPT can take a hard and smooth approach in the face of terrorism, Spain experienced with it," said Wiranto.

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Polhukam said, Spain also offers cooperation in the field of security Ciber.

"We have just established the National Board of Ciber as an umbrella of all ciber agencies in Indonesia. We also need in each country, including Spain offering it (cooperation), "said Wiranto.

However, Wiranto said, the discussion of the cooperation of the Spanish Government with ciber and Sandi Negara (BSSN) is still in its early stages. Therefore, there needs to be further discussion to arrive at the cooperation phase.

"It's not until the concept, after we agree technically, the staff will follow up with one more conversation or technical cooperation points," he said.
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Susi Invites Japan to Cooperate Infrastructure and Marine Technology

The Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Susi Pudjiastuti returned to Japan to visit Sakura, Japan as a follow-up plan for cooperation between the Government of Indonesia and Japan which had been discussed last April. On Tuesday local time, Susi met Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono to discuss the realization plan of assistance to be provided by the Government of Japan to Indonesia in particular related to fishery cooperation.

To Taro, Susi said that Indonesia opens investment opportunities for Japan, especially related to infrastructure and technology.

Susi Pudjiastuti
Susi Pudjiastuti

"I want to, Japan is also starting to invest in Indonesia, we open as much as possible," said Susi in a written statement. According to Susi, with 60 years of diplomatic relations between Indonesia and Japan in 2018, the relationship between the two countries will be closer and support infrastructure and technology from Japan Indonesia needs to be given so that Indonesia has more power in exploiting and marketing its fishery products.

"Reform in the fisheries sector is not easy, especially with regional pressure, where regional markets have been supplying fish from the stolen Indonesian territory," said Susi, adding that Indonesia needs better technology to maintain and manage our fishery resources.

In the midst of difficulties some illegal fishing actors meet the supply of fish in their country, Susi feels that Indonesia should improve its capability in managing Indonesian fisheries, before opening up investment for those countries.

The goal is to maintain economic and political stability, so that Indonesia can meet the food needs without colonized the fish thieves.

"Hopefully with the realization of this cooperation, together we can face the challenges of food security in the future.If the sea is not managed properly, this will be a problem for all countries," said Susi.

On that occasion, Susi also explained the progress that has been shown marine and fishery management in Indonesia in recent years. For the first time, Indonesia's fishery trade balance is number one in Southeast Asia, where Indonesian fishermen have been able to catch tuna up to 80 kg in a distance of 1-4 miles.

"Capture fishery is up 11% this year, 2 million tons, 20% for Indonesian consumption," said Susi, who targets to consume Japan's target level of 50 kg fish this year.

Foreign Minister Taro Kono admitted to being impressed with the efforts made by Minister Susi in defending the marine and fishery resources of Indonesia. To that end, he stated that Japan through Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is ready to cooperate with Indonesia by conducting research for the construction of Integrated Marine and Fisheries Sentral (SKPT) in 6 locations.

"In the near future, we will conduct technology-related seminars that can be used to defend fishery resources from IUU Fishing practice, and Japan is ready to work with Indonesia as a way of appreciating Indonesia's efforts to eradicate IUU Fishing," said Taro Kono.

Taro is also a bit nostalgic, while living in Indonesia himself happy to visit the Sulu Sea and Banda Sea which is a breeding zone of 60 percent baby tuna in the world.

"We appreciate Ibu Susi's persistence.Mother Susi even submitted a proposal to the UN headquarters in New York, asking for a regulation on the high seas to save fishery resources, especially the tuna and its circulation process, even asking the United Nations to establish a special institution to provide control and regulation, "Taro recalls.

At the meeting, Susi also asked Japan to support ocean right, which is a right where a country can change leadership and governance pattern, without changing and stopping the rules of marine and fishery protection.

"We ask the Japanese support to roll the idea (ocean right) at the upcoming 2018 Ocean Conference," lid Susi.

Not only to meet Taro Kono, in his trip to Japan Susi also met the Deputy Foreign Minister (Wamenlu) Japan Masahisa Sato. In the meeting, Masahisa Sato expressed his admiration for the figure of Minister Susi who is considered very firm and dare to defend the Indonesian sea sovereignty from foreign hands.

According to Masahisa, the current protection of fishery resources is becoming a very important issue for Japan, as many of the Japanese waters began to overfishing and the rise of foreign ships into their waters. For that, they want to learn how to defend the sea. One of them by providing support on the development of Sentra Marine and Fisheries Integrated (SKPT).

"We, Japan, need a figure like Mrs. Susi to face the invasion of foreign ships that enter the territory of Japan," said Masahisa

Profile Susi Pudjiastuti

 Susi Pudjiastuti was appointed Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries in the Working Cabinet of Joko Widodo and Jusuf Kalla. This decree was announced by Joko Widodo at Merdeka Palace, Central Jakarta, Sunday (26/10/2014).

Susie was born in Pangandaran, January 15, 1965 is a businessman owner and President Director of PT ASI Pudjiastuti Marine Product, exporter of fishery products and PT ASI Pudjiastuti Aviation or Susi Air flight from West Java. He was mentioned will occupy ministers in the field of maritime and fisheries.
Until early 2012, Susi Air has 46 aircraft with various types such as Cessna Grand Caravan, Pilatus PC-06 Porter and Piaggio P180 Avanti. Susi Air employs 179 pilots, of which 175 are foreign pilots. In 2012 Susi Air receives Rp300 billion in revenue and serves 200 pioneering flights.
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