Saturday, September 23, 2017

Why Many Young Women Are Choosing So Smokers?, These 5 Reasons

Why Many Young Women Are Choosing So Smokers?, These 5 Reasons

The habit of smoking cigarettes in Indonesia is no longer only acted by men only. Many women also smoke cigarettes and choose to become active smokers for long periods of time. In fact, many smoker women start to suck this tobacco from a young age.
Apparently, there are several reasons young women choose to be active smokers, although the risk of these cigarettes is huge for the female reproductive system.

1. Impediment of Stress

The women who suffer from the most stressful stress do not know how to get rid of the stress. Not a few young women who choose to vent their stress with smoking. They often build suggestions that smoking in eliminating a bit of stress. As experienced by Eti (29), this career woman felt the heavy work load plus family problems that often happen to make her feel prolonged stress.

"My work is very solid, from morning to evening and connected again at night. For entertainment is very difficult, so I choose to smoke while doing office work. Although the task is done quite a lot, with smoking so my brain is more relaxed doing it. Like there is relaxation in the brain, "he said, Monday (27/06/2016).

Being comfortable with smoking habits, Eti chose to become an active smoker and spent 6-10 cigarettes per day. Eti started to become an active smoker already last year. At first he tried menthol cigarettes, but because of the odd taste, Eti finally turned to clove cigarettes.

2. Breaking Love

Unlike Anggraini (23), residents of Denpasar, Bali. Starting from the romance story that ran aground, Anggraini chose to smoke as an outlet of his anger. Even in a day, Anggraini can spend two packs of cigarettes contents 12 cigarettes.

"Two years ago, I broke up with love. Being annoyed with my ex-boyfriend, I am aware of smoking. Become hitherto addictive and become a habit, "he said.

Most of his friends also already know this habit, especially Anggraini often gathered together the community of musicians and artists. This habit is increasingly becoming-so, because many female friends who are also active smokers.

But this habit is not shown in front of his family. Although her grandmother was an active smoker, Anggraini still did not dare to publicly point out her habits.

"Once the mother cleaned my room while I was outdoors. Mothers found cigarette butts in large quantities. Once at home, I was interrogated about what my mother found out. I just kept quiet, "he continued.

3. Family Habits

Apparently, smoking can also be transmitted from the family. As experienced Seken (27), a former Teller in one of the largest private banks in Jakarta. Since 2005 he tried to smoke and until now become his habit. His grandmother and mother was also a former active smoker, so the habit of smoking women was not a foreign activity again in the family environment.

"Since grade 3 high school has been smoking. Not because of family, but indeed many of my family who smoke. Initially just try, then addictive until now. Some families already know who I am, friends also know a lot. Seeing my friends smoke, my habit is becoming increasingly, plus the stress of work makes me stress. Smoking for me is a little relaxed, "he said.

Seken can spend 4-6 cigarettes per day. She prefers cigarettes of menthol taste, because it feels more comfortable in her mouth. Several times, he often felt his chest tightness because most smoking. He also had time to stop smoking when ill, but after the pain subsided, Seken continue his habit.

This sweet-lipped woman also had time to stop smoking while pregnant later. For now, Seken is still comfortable with the habit even though it is still taboo in the environment.

4. Feeling Lonely

Smoking also makes women who do not have a partner as an outlet loneliness. They feel with smoking, the sense of solitude can be a little lost and do not bother her mind.

This is experienced by Novi (35), which has been eight years to single parent. Since parting from her husband, Novi had to struggle to support his children alone. Because of the sense of responsibility plus solitude that plagued his heart, Novi finally calmed down by smoking.

Read Also: Vape or Electric Cigarette, What is the Danger for the Body?

"Because I am alone now, there is no husband anymore, so sometimes feel lonely. But by smoking, all the feelings are lost and re-excited, especially children already. My parents had time to forbid, but because I have become head of household, whatever I do now there can be no forbid again, "said the mother of three children.

He also preferred menthol cigarettes compared to clove cigarettes. Because the sensation of cold felt in the mouth feels different than clove cigarettes. In a day, Novi spent 6-12 cigarettes. However, the habit of smoking Novi is done after the children are big.

5. Follow-up

There is also a young woman who became an active smoker begins because only just follow-friends. As experienced by Liza (31). The mother of two started smoking since she entered college. Because her male friends smoked a lot, so there was a push from her to try to suck the tobacco.

"There is no specific reason why initially smoking, but it was just just follow-friends. So until now the resignation of smoking. One day only 5 rods I spent, not too much, "he said.

Friends and family also some already know with the habit. Because now he is single parent status and no one can forbid him to quit smoking, this smoking habit continues dilakoninya until now.Once several times his two children asked about his habit. However, because he can not explain in detail, Liza finally chose not to smoke in front of his children.
