Wednesday, June 7, 2017

The Most Effective Way to Get Pregnant.


Having offspring is one of the expectations of most couples. How to quickly get pregnant after menstruation can be used as one effort to achieve that goal. Basically, pregnancy requires meeting the egg and sperm cells. The female body has a marker that can be recognized as a fertile period. The fertile period is the right time to bring together eggs and sperm.

Recognize Menstrual Cycle
Menstrual cycle is one of the important things to be considered when planning a pregnancy. Menstrual cycle is the range of the number of days from the first day of menstruation to the first day of the next menstruation. By calculating the cycle, it can be known when the woman ovulates, namely the release of eggs from the ovary. For example, women with a menstrual cycle of 28 days will have 6 days with a higher likelihood of getting pregnant, ie 5 days before ovulation and 1 day during ovulation. Those days are called fertile periods.

The menstrual cycle may change monthly. For that, you need to record the menstrual cycle for several months. Mark the first day of menstruation as the 1st day. From the menstrual cycle record for several months, you can know the shortest and longest menstrual cycles. After knowing the menstrual cycle, you can estimate your fertile period.

Recognize Cervical Mucus Label Marker
Cervical fluid or mucus after menstruation can be a marker of fertile period as one way to get pregnant fast. Cervical mucus will experience changes in texture and color. The quantity of fluid that appears also depends on hormone levels. To know the emergence of cervical mucus, can be done in several ways, can use a tissue or finger to reach the cervical position. After menstruation, the likelihood of cervical mucus will be very slight or mucus looks cloudy and sticky. This is not the right time to get pregnant.

Then, the cervical mucus will turn clearer and slicker, almost like an egg whites. As this mucus gets more and more, you are getting closer to the fertile period. Three days later, cervical mucus appeared. One or two days after that, cervical mucus will multiply and slippery texture. In fact, not infrequently can make underwear become wet. This is a fertile period that can be used as a supporter of how to quickly get pregnant after menstruation.

happy Family

If the menstrual cycle is relatively short, then the fertile cervical mucus will begin shortly after the menstruation is complete. However, if the menstrual cycle includes length, then you will feel longer periods where cervical mucus is slightly or sticky, before mucus appears which indicates fertile period.

Perform Supportive Actions
To prepare for pregnancy, there are several other supportive measures, such as regular sexual activity, which is about 2-3 times per week. To increase your chances of getting pregnant, have sexual intercourse once every day before the fertile period. No less important is to practice a healthy lifestyle, among others, by maintaining ideal body weight, exercise regularly, and eat healthy foods. Consumption of vitamins contain folic acid can be done since planning a pregnancy as well. Folic acid is essential for fetal development.

Unhealthy habits can begin to be abandoned when planning a pregnancy, such as smoking, consuming alcoholic beverages, and free medicines that are not consulted by doctors. When planning a pregnancy, it's good to avoid using vaginal lubricant products because some of these products can lower fertility.
 Also avoid excessive exercise activity. Studies show that when women who are not overweight perform high intensity aerobic exercise for more than five hours each week, their fertility may be impaired. Realizing a pregnancy requires patience from the wife and husband. If necessary, consult the pregnancy plan to a doctor or other medical professional.

Wife and Husband

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Sunday, June 4, 2017

The Most Powerful Way To Overcome Acne

Your face Acne? This is How to Eliminate Natural Acne With Used. Usually facial acne is very often sought out by the women. However, one of the biggest facial diseases experienced by men and women is acne. Because Pimples some sufferers experience a sense of confidence that decreases while doing activities among the crowded. Before discussing about treating acne with a natural let us first identify the types of acne.

1. Sand Acne.
The size of these Sand Acnes is small and similar to regular acne. What distinguishes only small sand acne but the number is very much. Generally this acne sufferer does not feel the pain due to inflamed, but the sand pimples can make the face unsightly to be seen because it does not look smooth. 
The size of these acne sands is small and similar to regular acne. What distinguishes only small sand acne but the number is very much. Generally this acne sufferer does not feel the pain due to inflamed, but the sand pimples can make the face unsightly to be seen because it does not look smooth.

2. Stone Acne
Acne stone size is bigger than acne in general. This acne can be painful because it can make the inflammation in the face. If the acne is left alone, later after recover will make a scar on the face. Usually people affected by acne stone is often solve their own acne by hand, this is a bad habit if the hands still contain germs even be dangerous so advice from me do not ever solve by hand but by medication in a medical or traditional way. 

These ingredients to get rid of acne are very easy to find. So, there is no harm if you try it yourself at home, guaranteed safe and very effective:

1. Honey
How to get rid of acne naturally the first is with honey. This ingredient is well known for its myriad of benefits to make skin smoother and healthier. The greatness of honey alone can also help you who are struggling to get rid of acne. Honey has a high antibiotic and nutritional content, so it can be a preventative infection that can make the inflamed acne. How to get rid of acne naturally the first is with honey. This ingredient is well known for its myriad of benefits to make skin smoother and healthier. The greatness of honey alone can also help you who are struggling to get rid of acne. Honey has a high content of antibiotics and nutrition, so it can be a preventative infection that can make the inflamed acne.

How to use :

  1. How to use honey is also very easy, just need to be applied evenly on the face of acne.
  2. In addition to using honey, you can also make a mask using a mixture of honey with egg whites.
  3. The trick is to mix both materials and stir.
  4. After that apply a mixture of honey and egg whites to the acne face

2. Ice Cube
How to get rid of acne naturally next is with ice cubes. Besides being used to make cold drinks, ice cubes can also remove acne. Ice cubes can shrink the pores of the skin, not only ice cubes can also improve blood circulation in the area around the acne. For those of you who have excess oil, can also provide ice cubes on the skin.
Ice Cube

How to Use
  1. How to get rid of acne with ice cubes is easy, First prepare ice cubes to be smeared on the face better wrapped in a clean cloth.
  2. Stick the wrapped ice cubes on the acne-prone face and put on for a few minutes.
  3. Perform the process on a regular basis until the acne is healed

3. Tomatoes
This one vegetable is certainly not foreign to use in skin care. In addition to tightening the skin, tomatoes can also be used to treat acne. That's because tomatoes contain vitamins A and C are very good for the skin and body.

How to use:

  1. How to treat acne with the first tomato is provide a ripe tomatoes are reddish.
  2. Cut the tomato thinly and stick it on the acne face.
  3. Leave on for 10 to 15 minutes.
  4. Do it premises routine so that acne can disappear immediately.

4. Lemon
The fourth way is to use Lemon, Lemon containing alpha and L-ascorbic acid which can reduce the inflammation of your acne-prone skin and can help clear the pores of your clogged face. In addition Lemon has long been known as the removal of stains / black spots on the face and as one of the ingredients to whiten a natural face.

How to use it:

  1. You prepare 1 piece of fresh lemon then cut into 2 parts, which each - each piece then squeezed.
  2. From the lemon juice you apply on your pimply face after it let stand for about 110-15 minutes
  3. Then wash with clean and fresh water and dry with a towel.
  4. If the lemon is suitable for your face do this lemon treatment with a routine,
  5. In addition, lemons can also help you to remove blackheads.
5. Aloe Vera
In aloe vera contain lots of iron, active substances and vitamins A and D that can help you to overcome the problem of acne and its scars, besides aloe vera can also cope with hair loss.
How to use it:
Aloe Vera

  1. Cut the aloe vera into 2 or 4 parts then remove the spikes on the aloe vera that is on the right and left side.
  2. After that peel the other part to take gel on aloe vera.
  3. The result of gel was put in the container and then soften and apply on the area of ​​your skin acne.
  4. After that let stand 4 - 6 minutes and Rinse with clean water.

6. Toothpaste
With Toothpaste that you often use to brush your teeth can also be used to treat acne, because the toothpaste is menthol material, triclosan, and essential oils. Not only that on toothpaste is also contained baking soda that can treat acne and cure acne scars. But for the mask use is not excessive enough 1 times a day.
Tooth Paste

How to use it:
  1. First you must first clean the entire face area
  2. Then apply toothpaste on the face of acne and let stand for about 5 minutes
  3. Just like the way - the way before you rinse the spread on your face using clean water.

# Caution
Of the 6 natural ingredients above you should keep matching which matches your skin because not all natural ingredients also match your skin, if any one of the above ingredients make acne or itch increase when used you should quickly rinse it and try to replace with the material Natural others. For better results recommends that you continue to consult your confidential physician for which natural ingredients you can use to treat acne.
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Saturday, June 3, 2017

Restore Grub Times Linux After Installing Windows

This problem usually happens we have reinstalled Windows dualboot with Kali Linux, usually after re-install windows, our linux grub loader does not appear when the computer is turned on, and directly boot into windows, this is due to grub loader times we hit linux by master Moot Mecord mindows, for that we have to restore the grub loader Kali Linux to be able to display the boot option when the first time the computer is turned on, below I consider how to Restore Grub Linux Times After Install Windows

To restore grub linux times that hit windows
The steps are as follows:
Boot Live CD / USB Linux Times
Then select live, after login to desktop and open terminal
After that we see where the Linux Times partition is located, type the command below:

fdisk -l

 As an example
For example, like my Kin Kin partition is in / dev / sda3 and, then type in the following command terminal one by one:

mount -t ext4 /dev/sda3 /mnt/
mount -t proc proc /mnt/proc/mount -t sysfs sys /mnt/sys/mount -o bind /dev/ /mnt/dev/chroot /mnt /bin/bash

After That Install grub to MBR 

grub-install /dev/sda3

After finished restart your Live Linux Live, and see the grub loader will be back to normal. Thank You
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Friday, June 2, 2017

History of Gojek

Ojek (also called Ojeg) is an unofficial public transport in Indonesia in the form of motorcycles, rented by passengers. Passengers are usually one person but sometimes can be both (It's forbiden actually). With the price determined by bargaining with the driver first after that the driver will deliver to the desired destination passengers.

Gojek Helmet

Gojek established in 2011 by two creative young man. The founder named Michaelanglo maron and Nadiem Makarin. They founded a company called PT Go-jek Indonesia. The company purpose itself to connect Ojek with ojek passengers. They see the Ojek only spend all day and not necessarily get customers. Because of that they have a big dream and make it happen to make this company, to help the Ojek drivers get passengers more quickly and efficiently. Until now their goal has proved successful. Ojek drivers should be more productive in order to earn more income.

From the begining gojek just serve through the call center only, but after that gojek start developing and make a mobile apps. With this apps, the passengers can order online, pay on credit and find out where the driver will pick up the passenger. This is one of the advantages of gimmicks compared to the konventional Ojek.
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